From the horniest of rascals to the coolest of dudes, from the sweetest of souls to the superlatives in self-centered individuals and from determined last gasp-mile long-brain fucked-studying marathons to 3 hours of farras, IBS had it all. One of the oddities when one piles-up a 600 strong bunch of maniacs together in one building is the experience of knowing (and I mean actually understanding!!) all those individuals in a span of a mere 18months! A lifetime’s learning in the span of a couple of hundred days.
Where everyday spent just had to bring in something new, like non-stop toppings on your favourite ice-cream cone, one after the other, ever day for 18months! Wouldn’t bet on slurping and smacking my lips on this thought though….all scoops weren’t all that sweet!
It would be safe to claim that I had come across and known the most number of people in the college, but this isn't the time or the way to weigh everyone on my scale (It wouldn’t matter anyways) and therefore got my nose rubbed to the ground more times than I would’ve liked or anticipated. Still no credit could be taken out of the hellova experience I had in the most unexpected of times.
Funny how I came to this place, attended the first day in complete formal attire and even specs to complement the look, and was never seen wearing the same ever again(even for presentations!!). Trust me when I say this, ”This could have been possible only in IBS”. I, like many others, got away with almost everything…some lectures, few lectures, no lectures..What College????
Right from writing a complete essay on BUM AGGARWAL right under his nose on the front bench, to setting the clock 15mins ahead, to smuggling samosas and pakoras in the running lecture, to being called a Criminal and a Terrorist by the teacher in-front of the whole class (and that while being the CR!), to bunking the college for one month straight to giving presentations in chappals, to FLIRTING ( special mention to Digvijay Gaur, Aditya Vikram Pandey, Raman Behl, Angad, Akshay Bhasin, Vinayak, Aniket, Aditya Vir Sharma, ADITYA Ghai, AKshay khanna..to name a few), to waking up in the morning and still not going to the college, to endless DAARU parties, to post-midnight hunger pangs, to drunken driving, to abusing absolutely anyone and everyone..WE DID IT ALL!
For many of us it was the perfect setting and for me, a learning curve. But I wouldn’t call it an entirely learning process because I still have trouble placing heads under the Assets and Liabilities side of a balance sheet. If 1st Sem accounts was crazy, then economics made me scared-shitless! Who in the right frame of mind wants to study economics? Leave alone like it. And the RUDE joke was people repeatedly reminding me How interesting and easy the subject was! Blah Blah Blah…A puny miserable rat’s ass, that’s what ECO was to me. No wonder I took 4 long hours garnishing my exteriors a day before the Final Eco exam.
Unlike everyone from the college, I loved those terrifying exam days, when the studious lied about studying nothing and the moronic rascals like us who didn’t know the syllabus, the books, the chapters and even the Teacher of the subject and still kidded about being prepared with all the subjects just to watch the other half shit in their pants and re-re-re-revise their course. We were the Direct Descendants of the DEVIL himself.
Everything we did, plan, study(or not), exchange notes, farras, Everything came down to just one plain fact, PLACEMENTS.
An 18 month Armageddon between Finance and Marketing culminating into Marketing-people joining banks and Finance-nerds being forced to sell bonds and insurances, that’s IBS for you and I wouldn’t like rubbing salt on the wounds of the 60 from the HR department, given that I’m still jobless! J
I’d need a supercomputer to calculate the number of times each and every member of this batch cursed the college and still had a lump in the throat and a teardrop waiting to fall off when we left this crazy place called IBS.. Here’s to you.. MWAAAH!!!
SPECIAL MENTION for all my Friends in IBS- ANUJ Arora, Vaibhav, Digvijay Gaur, Akshay Bhasin, Nitisha, Vidhi, Prerna, Shruti, Manvi, Gagan, Soni, G, Nilu, Shivi, Rhea, Priya, Adtya, Sheenam, Chandni, Bhavna, Swati, Pooja, Khushboo Luthra, KK, Amit, Aman, Rajesh, Karan Vir Chandok, Harshad, Jyoti Kochi, Aditya GHai, Manu Ghai, Akshay Khanna, Megha, Angad, Doctor, Uttama, Garima, Tanvi, Aditya Vir, Aniket, Vinayak, LAKSHMI, RIcha, Arleen, Deepankar, Deepika, Deepti, GO n ADi, Gulnar, Raunak, Kushal, Monisha, ROhan, Saumya, Silky, Spardha, Smriti!
Love U all!
Hey I love economics..dont say that abt the only subject i have loved all my life..Sammy..good work man..Simply enjoyed reading ur blog..with few wrds u made me recall the entire 2 years..Really like ur style of writing..U have been a real special frnd f mine..keep writing:)god bless..
love u too saleem!!
aaawwweeeeee that was shoooo cuteeee... love ya too sweetu..n ya post it really made me feel very nostalgic..extremely intriguing and straight from the heart...n ya buddy all the very best for ur placement (which is gonna happen really v.soon)
takecare..keep in touch..luv ya..!!!
love u saleem..many and everything happened..but cldn't find a stupid name for u..heheh..
@Priya, swati, Monisha, Vidhi Momma - LV u sooooooooooooooo mch
I think now I know what IBS is... :)
good 1 Saleem
.sharma, it’s truly, completely and extremely hilarious nd the best part was
“moronic rascals like us who didn’t know the syllabus, the books, the chapters and even the Teacher of the subject and still kidded about being prepared” …. Kept my thothally ROLF..:D
Here goes a bow for you yet again
Damn cool. I just hope when I pass out of college, in some years, I too have such memories and have made and met awesome people.
Blah Blah! <3 Love you. you know it
This is something what i crave college life for.Shit!CS is screwing me up right after high school.I'll be graduate from distance learning and I'm still not aware how college life ever is. :(
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