Sought what, not it knew, one above, the other below.
A hunger born from the shadows of your silence, in the often listless gazes and the echoing sighs. It falls short of transforming into words as it reaches your lips and dissolves into a smile. What is that hunger? Why the smile?
You had evolved to look past those stained glasses, deep into the clarity that lay ahead. The smile came across every-time you managed to look at those stains and make them invisible. You couldn’t bear that smile. You knew what it meant, the stained glass and the paint scratched across its face. It stood for those thoughts that put you at peace and injected insomnia into your veins at the same time. The hunger can be forgotten, but the pangs are a terrible reminder.
And then…
You had turned your back to the world and yet longed for it through the dirty glass. You went back to it when there was need and filling up the vessel from the well that was the world. Satiated in a few sips, you turned your back again. Those restless feet had taken you to places unknown, sometimes wanted and unwanted, sometimes unwarranted but none filled you as much. This emptiness reminded you that a thought is a terrible master and the mind a submissive slave. <smirks>
An unsure mind begets a hunger, one that neither your heart nor your soul can contain or comprehend. Yet it exists, like that proverbial hole in the belly that just wouldn’t fill up. The challenge of filling up that endless pit, for the mind is hard to please. But is it?
Sought what, now you knew…
The mind and that thing you call your soul are designed to defend a thought which is your own. Guiding your ship through the unstable seas, these thoughts are the stars that fill your night sky. You chase them, but now you know why. Sometimes all that the hungry soul needs, is the chase and sometimes finds satisfaction in the kill.
The soul shall never find a permanent home for it is meant to travel, through one body to another and from only life to another. You, for whatever time you plan to remain shall be a vessel to this hungry soul. A moment no matter how profound, cannot fill it in full.
This hunger is your fuel. Satisfaction, tiny bursts of joy. The hunt, your life.
Amazingly haunting lines... The words touch the soul... Like an open wound, the hurt hurts yet there seems to be hope... Loved the imagery and visual appeal this post has... makes you drift with the flow... Awesome! Write a novel! I wanna read asap!
Its beautiful....
Hey din realize when we met that you could write so well!...shweta
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