I've seen Rang de Basanti 5 times and it’s the first time sch a thing has happnd. For me it has become a cult movie and I'm a proud member. For the first time in years came a movie that had something to tell, something that was able to stir the conscious of millions, and it had an effect. The movie ended with the students claiming that the sacrifice of the five actors won’t go in vain and that feeling wont fizz out very soon. Well, am glad that it hasn’t, and if the recent demonstrations and agitations of the students all over India against "Reservations" are anything to go by, I'm pretty sure the fizz will surely last.
But does anyone think that the agitations are having any feasible effect on the stubborn Cabinet or the opposition? The PM too has been reduced to play the role of a puppet, forcibly doing what his Party dolls out to him. But this time the culprit isn’t the Defence Minister, but the HRD minister Arjun Singh.
I know this issue of reservation has been discussed extensively by one and all, but still the discussions haven't bore any fruit as the government has decided to play the bill, but in a sh@#% PHASED manner forcing me to think that is this scenario is also heading for another “Rang de Basanti”. Is another bunch of strong willed students going to repeat what Aamir and his gang did in his movie? And I personally don't think that this thought is out of question. Arjun Singh might find himself facing the wrong end of the barrel..You can call me insane...but I'd love it.
Its not the act that needs to be blamed, but the circumstances that lead to such a decision being made. Don't these fu*#%@& politicians see what effect a single statement had on the entire nation. The doctors lived on a double edged sword with on one hand, thousands of patients claiming neglect and on the other hand, the increasing Government pressure to stop the strikes . Colleges all over the country were shut down as the nation came to an educational standstill. It’s high time that the people of India realized their powers and stopped being slaves of this twisted democratic setup.
As the movie said,” Koi bhi desh perfect nhi hota, Use perfect banaya jata hai”.Though claiming the life of a single person won’t solve the problem, and one might subject it to a moment of anger, insanity or inspiration, but if not this, then we have to find different ways and means to prevent the present situation from heading from a fiasco. Calling every youth of this nation….listen….Only the ones who are insane enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who really do.
So stand for something or you will fall for anything!!!
Just stumbled over your blog. I have seen Rang De basanti too. But the only problem is it doesn't convey the right sense of Patriotism in people. If you clearly analyze the movie, what does it portrait? It shows a bunch of strong willed Youth who did nothing before, and in a strange and sudden awakening of conscience, decide to kill the culprit politicians. How many times should it be proved that Violence begets violence? Do you think the death of culprit politicians is the final solution? Do you think killing somebody and in turn getting killed - But die with a smile on your face is true patriotism? Thats the movie world. If you portray a student, who puts in all of his time sincerely into his studies, achieves his aim and helps out the society by reaching for higher rungs of the government ladder, do you think the audience will appreciate it..? Instead they feel bored.. No body looks for truth in a movie, they just want action, romance, music and thats it.
My sincere opinion is such movies do more harm than good. Once you mind is filled with rage, it will be void of thoughts. You wont have the 'other side' of your mind telling you what is intelligent, what is good for the future. People burst out in rage, and in the process many innocents gets affected. After all killing and getting killed is no where close to patriotism. Violence may lead to success, but there are side affects too... No harmony, continuous fear and a false sense of achievement.
Anyway, that was a good blog, and I agree we need to respond to what is being done to us. My urge is that, lets 'THINK' and respond. Take care.
Tanx for ur comment..I appreciate your views..but the fact remains that wen u showcase movies featuring a simple man rising frm the dirt and reaching the higher rungs on govt. there is little reaction from every strata of the population. Honestly, how many people do we encounter who think that the politicians should be shot dead in the town square. Well its 8 out of 10 really. And if u think that killing and getting killed is not a part of patriotism, then try justifying what Bhagat Singh and Rajguru did. The movie although gave the idea that the chatacters had to resort to killing the minister concerned, but the final message was that people who are at the peaks of beaurocracy in our country consider themselves above the general populi and not surprisingly give a damn to them. So killing or no killing, they should be put to the sword, verbal or actual. Seriously, how many politicians who are convicted happen to get imprisoned?
DAMN RIGHT!! Stand for Something!!
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