Saturday, September 30, 2006

New age Ram-Leela

Absolute disgust. This was the first reaction to what can only be termed as a blatant disregard and disrespect to one's religion. Of all the cities, Haridwar was stage to the new age Ram-leela or should one say, Ras-leela. The holiest Hindu city in India threw away its veil of shame and celebrated the modern day Ravana as ogling eyes and wolf whistles of the brazen audience. The stage show was organized as a part of the festivities ongoing during the Navratras and was exposed to the country by various news channels.
Unemployed bar-dancers from the closed dance bars made a mockery of the Sacred Epic and danced to the tunes of 'Kajrare Kajrare'. TV footage showed people admiring the moves of the dancers and applauding the impudicity of their LORD Ravana. In a country where even a misspelled word or misinterpreted statement can make the masses cause havoc and widespread riots, it was shocking to see the same people enjoying this event. Such people, who claim to live and die in the so-called name of God openly flouted the hollowness in their character and the levels of abashness and impudence that they had reached.
In Patna, the Goddess Durga was shown clad in jeans, sporting trendy eyewear, holding guns and rocket launchers and all this in the name of devout worship. Whatever stupid message the senseless and dim-witted organizer tried to convey was rightly rewarded, as the Patna police acted quickly, dismantling the structure and taking the guilty into custody.
After all this, a question arises that why all of a sudden have we started disreputing our religions? Why is the number people seeking attention by using wrongful means increased all-of-a-sudden? Devotees are getting divided according to the way they follow their religion, the one's who do it the right way and those who do it the really wrong way!! Religion is getting sqaushed in between, give it some breathing space.


Neer said...

hmm! thoughtful!! and hey, thankoo for stopping by!

Neer said...

and mismatch in heaven?? you bet!

Neha said...

i did not noe this... really shocking..