7 different alcohols, 6 different desserts, 5 different types of Meat and chics from 4 different countries sat with us..all in one Feast at the Baga Beach.. and ya One carton of Marlboro Lights too!
Friends had been screamin their chords dry, askin us to go to the Aguada fort(da DIl Chahta hai One)). And I cursed each and everyone of them all through the way up, until I saw what we had come to see. The ride through the unrelenting sun became totally worth it as the endless ocean was thrown into my eyes.. sheer viewing pleasure! and the wind seemed to come from a different planet altogether. I could harldy hold onto this urge to jump off the wall and into the sea(( I DID NOT.. a proof is Me Living to Pen this Down!)).
The best part of the trip was this. 8:30pm-10:30pm. Sports bar.. right next to DOntoPalliPucchiKUKU beach.. hehe! Beer, food, smoke and Live Football. God Bless Machade and Manchester United for making this an absolute cracker-jack trip.. the last minute winner took my breath away!
Now lemme describe both of my pals and my partners in fun there in goa.
Anuj, the connoisseur of everything that can be munched upon, the one who is invariably hungry all the time and has the knack of pointing towards the most unknown-yet-the-tastiest dish on the menu. Honestly, if it wasn’t for him, me and vaibhav wudnt have tried eatin all that we did end up eatin! He was also the Bargainer of our mini-group, apt at bringin prices down to a level at which I would shy away from making any kind of eye-contact with the shop-keeper..and then get surprised that we managed to get it at that price! Poor guy Anuj..always wanted to plan out our day…and nothing happened according to him..In-fact he seemed to have tickled ‘Rahu and Ketu’ at the wrong places on this trip coz he was totally outta luck! Met with an accident..made ladies fall(Literally)) wherever he went by, got hit on the injured leg ‘N’ number of times and could bathe in the sea just once before he met wid dat fateful accident. But all in all a great trip for him((tongue-in-cheek)..love u bro!
Now for the Main MAN on our trip, Vaibhav Wadhawan! I say MAIN MAN because the kind of fun we had OFF-the-beach couldn’t have been possible without him. He was the man who was completely messed up between wearing Sunglasses or Specs! But gotto give it to him for makin the right juggle! Only Me and Anuj know as to how we convinced him to go bare-chested in the sea and guaranteed him that he wudn’t get ogled at for sure.. hehe. This guy was in-charge of the baggage, the camera and my helmet..which I never wore throughout the trip and got challaned for it too! J
And much to my dismay, almost everytime Vaibhav forgot the Cybershot, but this is where my cellphone came in handy!
Lemme jump to the last eventful day there in goa. Brunch time and we happily gorged onto 3 different kinds f dishes((That was the order of the trip)). 2 Videsi Chics J came and sat at the next table and stared at us as we ate as if there was no tomorrow!
ME:- A SMILE…. ANUj...ANUj...Hey Man SHE just smiled at me.. Wat do I do Man??
Anuj:- Hehe hehe hehe.. I donno
ME:- Crap Man.. WHAT I DUnno? Should I talk to her? Maybe wave her a hello?
Vaibhav:- She SMILEd at u???????
ME:- SHUT UP Man… what should I do?
ME:- Shit.. fuck..shit ..fuck..SHIT!!! Do something U moron.. I FINALLY smiled back! :)
Back to the brunch.. Sheepishly!
Brunch ends.. and the Firangans go like… “Hey there.. u wasted so many Chips there in your food??”
ME:- Well u should’v joined us to help complete it!!
THEM:-- eeehe eehe eehee! ((stupid laughter))
ME:- How long hv u bn here?
KATE( the cute one ):- have been in India for the past 5 years on and off!
ME:- well.. it’s a shame that we guys are leaving for Delhi tonite!
KATE:- TONITE? Aawww..it sure is a shame!
Where r u from..bla bla bla… SHE gave me her cell-number and email-id in the end! J
P.S- I clicked a pic f the AIR-CONDITIONER while going back.. My Best TRIp YET!
after readin this m feelin like experiencing the whole trip myself.. no one can describe this bettr dan u buddy... surely u had a amazing time.. n yes the firangans worked as a cherry on the cake.. he he.. love u .. mmuaahhh
tum ladkiyon k paas nahi jaate ............ladkiyan tumhare paas aati hai, yahi kehna chahte ho na salim tne sharma
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